I am pregnant! Yes it was planned and yes Morgan and I are happier than we have ever been. I say yes it was planned because people have asked me that and I think it is such an odd question to ask. Anyways, the baby is due June 9th and knowing my family history the baby will probably be born sometime in July!
The past few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions. I have stopped drinking coffee entirely, drinking booze is out of the question and apparently smoking crack ins't good for the baby either. So basically I had to quit all of my bad habits cold turkey:) I thought it would be harder than it was, but knowing that another little life is depending on me has made it extremely easy.
The first weeks were tough, I had all day sickness (morning sickness my ass) and my emotions were at an all time high. Thank god I have an understanding husband! I also found out that I have 2 decent sized fibroids, one on the back side of my uterus and the other on the side. It was scary to hear at first because the doctors thought it could have been a number of things (tumor included). We were happy to find out that they are not in the way of the babies growth. My midwife told me that I will probably look big faster than a normal pregnant woman because of them and if anyone comments on how big I am I should tell them to mind their own business. This piece of advice frightened me. How big am I actually going to get, geez!? Will I look like an elephant!?
Anyways, it's not about me anymore, it's about the baby chilling in my uterus. I love it already and I can't wait to find out what it is so I can stop calling it it!