Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Olive Pie & Stella Stew

Stella met her cousin Olivia for the first time on Sunday. Olive was teething and Stella was being her colicky self, but we managed to get them together for a few pictures. ( Thanks for the cute dress Jen! )It was so good to see my cousin Jenny and to hold and love up Miss Olivia! We are so happy they will be living in the states so we can visit! The last picture is my favorite!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 Months old!

Our Stella Kate is 2 months old! She is smiling more everyday and is super alert. She looks me and her daddy straight in the eyes as if she can see into our souls. It's weird! She is starting to scoot herself across the blanket during tummy time and has started making new cooing sounds. I am so in love with her that I can't handle myself sometimes. I kiss her non stop and she smiles when I do. I love my girl! Happy 2 month birthday sis!

Monday, July 12, 2010

2 month check-up and first round of shots!

Stella will be 2 months old tomorrow! The time has flown by and she just seems to be getting chubbier and chubbier everyday. We had her 2 month check-up today, she is still in the 85th percentile for height (23 1/4 inches) and went from the 15th percentile for weight to the 75th! She now weighs 11 lbs 11 oz! The doctor said that she looks great and also commented on how beautiful her eyes are:). Anyways, she screamed the entire time and is now taking a nap in her swing with a band- aid on each leg. My poor girl! Here are a few shots of my lady at the docs and then on the way home.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Take that!

We had a rough little 4th of July weekend with Miss Stella. She has seemed a little off the past week and hasn't been sleeping at all or eating properly. I have felt so discouraged, frustrated and defeated and I wanted to blog about it! I read tons of blogs about other peoples' children and their kids all seem so perfect. I was telling my mom this and she laughed and said that no one wants to post pictures of their kids screaming and they don't want to talk about the bad moments. Well, if you have hard moments with your kids and are reading this blog, so do I! We think she has a sore tummy. Last night Morgan gave her a herbal gas reliever and she slept through the night for the very first time! She is also taking longer than 10 min naps today, so let's hope we have solved her little problem! Here was what our ride home from grandma and grandpa's house looked like!