Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm sore!

I am officially unemployed! I am trying to stay positive and have made looking for a new job MY full-time job. My old boss feels bad for laying me off so he has been finding work around his house for me to help with. Right now he has hired me, Lauren and our friend Sarah to help him build a patio in his backyard. I worked 7 hours yesterday and hauled bricks for 9 hours today. I actually had a really good time with the girls. We were the talk of the neighborhood. I had a woman and her mom come to us and tell us how much we kicked ass (and we did). They were impressed that we were out there doing work a "man" would usually do. She actually asked if we owned our own construction business! I am working tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. I am sore, but I like to make money so I am finished complaining.


Jen and Dave said...

I'm sorry to hear you lost your job, Jilly. You'll find something more perfect than the job you had before. What a good way to work out and feel productive (while making money even).

jim said...

This isn't like a military type thing where tomorrow you,Lauren and Sarah have to move the pile of bricks to another location, is it. Also,it is really nice of Dave to think of you. Let me know where that final stack of bricks finally ends up.

Kindra said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! Really proud of you...a lot of people could take a lesson from ya. ;)

angela said...

You're awesome! You will find a job, Jill. I miss you and love you and maybe you will finally be able to beat me at arm wrestling when this is all over!!