Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Misty Morning at the Park

It seems as though Stella has been in fast forward these days. She said "thank-you" yesterday, says "no" all the time now and yelled "stop!" when I told her to stop banging her head on her high chair. She is her own little lady and knows what she wants. I can tell that she will be a leader and not a follower and that makes me happy. This morning we went to the park and it was misty and cool and I just watched my little girl play. She is so brave. She climbs the stairs on her own, crosses the wobbly bridge on her own and goes down the slide on her own. Pretty soon she won't need me to help her with anything and I am ok with that. I want her to be independent, secure and happy.

1 comment:

Lauren Lanning said...

SHE'S SO CUTE. And getting so big! What a lady!