Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The visitor.

I have avoided writing this story for almost 2 weeks now, but I feel ok to talk about it since a little time has passed and I have been to therapy.  We have been dealing with a rat problem!  It started over a month ago when Morgan and I were watching t.v. one night.  I was on the couch and Morgan was on the floor.  He jumped up and yelled "mouse!"  I screamed of course, because the "mouse" ran under the couch where I was sitting.  I jumped from the couch, to the coffee table, straight into the kitchen and sat on the counter.  I called my dad over, in a panic, for back up and stayed on the counter until he got here.  He and Morgan spent 2 hours trying to catch the "mouse" with no avail.  Morgan thought he might have run out the back door.

After that night, we started to notice that our bread was partially eaten and I found a banana nibbled into.  Morgan set a bunch of traps and I tried to block it out of my mind that we had a little mouse in our kitchen eating all of our food!

One night about 2 weeks ago I was out with my mom and sister and Morgan and Stella were in LA at his mom's house.  Morgan came home late and when he walked through the door he saw a huge rat run across our kitchen floor, jump, hit Stella's baby gate, regained his strength and jump over the gate and under the dishwasher.  Morgan pulled the dishwasher out and saw a hole in the dry wall.  He then called me and told me the horrifying news! My body went numb!  I came straight home, packed a bag, grabbed Stella from her crib where she was in a quiet slumber :) and went to my parents house, only to return when ratso was gone.

After 10 days of rat traps, exterminators, my dad smashing Morgan's hand in a rat trap, staying at my parent's house and living out of bags, Morgan and my dad finally caught the rat (I will spare you the picture..gag!) We came home on Monday, disinfected the entire house and bleached all of Stella's toys.

I guess when they remodeled our house they forgot to put the screens back up on the attic entrances. Everything is sealed now, so nothing else will get in!  If another rat does come in, I will run far away never to return.

1 comment:

angela said...

I still can't believe you had to deal with all of this. I love you and love your new site!!