Thursday, July 31, 2008

Training for a 5K

I am training for a 5K that takes place on Saturday, October 18th. It is actually me Lauren and Emily and we are training together. Mondays we train alone, Tuesday and Thursdays Lauren and I walk 30 min during lunch, Wednesdays we all meet up and train together, Friday and Saturday we train alone and Sunday we rest! Phew! Anyways, we are in week two of training and it is not easy! Yesterday Lauren and I decided to run around her neighborhood in the scorching heat! Monday was run 2 min walk 1, which was extremely difficult and Wednesday was run 3 and walk 1! It came so fast! I thought we would get at least one more run 2 walk 1. You would have thought you were watching "Saving Private Ryan", we were both being so dramatic about the entire situation. At one point I turned to Lauren, looked her straight in the eyes and said "I don't think I can go on". On the last 3 min run Lauren yelled "My legs are like jello, they won't move". We did it! We did it! We did it! Next time we run 4 walk 1, I will probably die! This is my farewell letter!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Morgan and I are going to Europe on August 30th and will be gone for 18 days! I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself! I went backpacking through Europe 3 summers ago with Lauren and had the time of my life. I was single at the time and kept thinking how incredibley romantic it would be to have a man with me, especially in Paris. I can't wait to share this experience with Morgan. I'm especially excited that we will be in Ireland to see Caroline and DA get married. They have asked me to do a reading from the book of Genesis. Better look out for the lightening...holla!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Somethings got to give...

I have a friend, (who will remain nameless) who has had a tough go at life, but seems to keep going with her head held high through it all. I don't know how she does it. She keeps getting knocked down and gets right back up. She is an amazing caring, loving person and I love her more than she will ever know. I just wish for her that things that have happened to her never happened. She doesn't deserve it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Me and My Hubby!

Am I interesting enough to have a blog?

My blog will probably suck so don't expect amazing writing like my sister-in-law Angela's blog. I have no kids to show pictures of, but I do have a crazy and amazing husband so I will post pictures of us and if you are uninterested...I don't care!