Tuesday, January 29, 2013

" I want my mustache!"

For the past 2 days, out of nowhere, Stella has been demanding we draw a mustache on her. We have no idea where she got this from, but we obliged.

Monday, January 28, 2013


This happened. Stella NEVER sleeps in our bed.  We did the "cry it out method" and so she has always been used to having her own space.  She is sick today, so she fell asleep in 2 minutes.  45 min later, she wanted to be back in her bed, but it was so sweet seeing her snuggled in our king sized bed.


It's Monday morning and Stella woke up with a fever, our broken heater cost $324 to fix and I should be more depressed and angry than I am.  I have work to do today and I was counting on getting it done while Stella was at school.  I was going to go to my prenatal yoga class tonight, but will have to stay home because I don't want to chance my parents watching her and getting sick.  All of my day's plans have been turned upside down.  I should be annoyed, but something truly awesome happened this morning that I can't stop thinking about.  I was on Skype with my boss and co-worker, so Stella was left to play in her room by herself.  I heard some noise in the hallway, but didn't know what was going on. I looked and saw Stella standing on her stool, turning on the bathroom light.  2 minutes later i hear, "Mommy, I pooped!".  I didn't believe it at first because we usually have a series of false alarms before "it" actually drops.  I run to the bathroom to find Stella has stripped off her footie pajamas and Groover underwear and is sitting on her miniature potty with a proud look on her face.  "I pooped Mommy! It's gross!" She has pooped in the potty before, but never fully on her own!  It was a very proud moment! It's weird because as I get older, the small things seem to keep me from losing my mind when the big things go wrong.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Funny girl.

Stella has been really into pretend play lately.  She has her dolls talking to each other and they all go on great adventures.  Today she told me that she wanted to have a "talent show" and wanted to "dress-up".  I saw her in the hallway on the way to her room strip off her pajamas until she was down to her Dora undies.  She came back with a red tutu on and nothing else.  She stood on the fireplace and did some dance moves, then lined a bunch of her stuffed animals up along the back wall.  She loves stuffed animals.  I don't remember loving stuffed animals as much as she does!  Whenever we take her somewhere special, we tell her she can pick something out at the end of the day.  She always pick a stuffed animal.  I seriously stop at least 10 times a day, look at her and realize how lucky and blessed i am to have her.  She is funny, kind, smart, sweet and loving and I honestly can't imagine my life without her.

                 Stella dancing with this dog that she has had for over a year and just noticed today!