Friday, June 25, 2010

I love...

Stella is 6 weeks old and I honestly can't believe how quickly the time has flown by. She looks different to me everyday! I look at her and pinch myself because I can't believe she is mine. She is more beautiful and amazing than I could have ever imagined her to be. Her personality is so silly. I want to remember everything about her in this little time in her life because it is flying by. so here is a list of things I love about my Stella:
-I love when we take her out of her swaddle and she stretches her arms above her head and pierces her lips. She stretches so much that it seems unnatural.
-I love when she he smacks her tongue at me when she is hungry, it's insane, her mouth makes a loud popping noise. I am almost insulted by it. It almost seems as if she is saying "give me my food NOW mother".
-I love her dimple on each cheek and sometimes after she is done eating she will smile and you can see her dimples. She hasn't smiled for us yet, but she smiles at the funny little jokes in her head. I can't wait until I am able to make her smile and it's not just a reflex.
-I love when I am burping her over my shoulder and her little face is right in mine and her eyes are squinting and she is making weird grunting noises.
-I love that when she farts Morgan and I think it's each other because that's how mature they sound:)
-I love that she loves to fall asleep on my chest.
-Even though I find breastfeeding to be exhausting at times, I love that she needs me and finds comfort in something only I can give her.
-I love when her long hair in the back hangs over her swaddle.
-I love that after she takes baths, when she is all bundled up in her towel she tries to suckle through my shirt for comfort.
-I love when she cuddles up with me in bed in the morning.
-I love when she goes cross eyed.
-I love the peach fuzz on her shoulders.
-I love that she is making new cooing sounds everyday.
-I love loving her.
-I love that she is mine and that I get to keep her.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bath time!

She usually cries and she didn't this time... Success!

Stella is here :)

I have been a terrible blogger, but I also just had a baby a month ago! We were in the hospital for 15 days! I started having contractions on Sunday, May 2nd at 3:30 in the morning and was kept until the 17th, 4 days after Stella was born and the day before my 30th birthday! I am doing amazingly well and so is our little princess. The c-section went better than expected and I got to keep my uterus :), which means that there will be more baby Sandlers at some point in the future (not near future and probably only one). Anyways, our little Stella Belle is a month old and we can't get enough of her. I literally can't wait for her to wake up during the day so I can smooch her face! She was 7 lbs 2 oz when she was born and is getting chubbier everyday. She makes funny faces and just loves her mommy and daddy. We are seriously blessed to have her in our lives and wonder what we did with our days before she got here. My life feels more complete now and I am happier than I have ever been. I can live without sleep, but could never live without my princess. Morgan is taking more pictures of Stella today after her bath so I will post those later,but here are a few that are already up on facebook! Enjoy!