Thursday, April 26, 2012


I haven't been blogging.  I come up with ideas in my head during the day, but can't seem to get it together to form an entire post.  I think I put too much pressure on myself as to what this blog should be.  I started it as a personal journal, that no one saw and it developed as I found out I was pregnant with Stella.  I really just want to document her as she grows up and don't want to put focus on my "voice" as I write.  So here it goes.

Stella will be 2 next month and I can't seem to find the pause button on her little life.  In ways I want it to slow down, but there is just something about seeing her do new things that excites me.  She is learning new words everyday. She says things like "more", "byyyyyeee", "shoes" "tank too" (thank you) and my favorite "see ya!" (no one taught her that, maybe Elmo?) Whenever people say bye to her she says "see ya" and waves her arm and hand vigorously. Stella is also a dancing machine!  If there is a beat, she is dancing.  She loves bubbles, sidewalk chalk, swinging and her 2 "blankies".  She has blankie 1 and blankie 2.  Blankie 1 is so dingy that I have to clean it every other day. She drags him everywhere. She started sleeping with both blankies about 6 months ago when she started being afraid of the dark.  I wanted her to have some sort of security, so I guess in short, her blankie obsession is my doing.  Stella also started daycare 2 days a weeks so I can get paperwork done (I work from home).  She cries every time I leave her, but her teachers say that she gets better everyday. I have a bit more time when she is there to get things done, so I am going to try to make blogging a regular thing.  I would really like for Stella to have this blog to look back on when she is older.
Here are a few recent pictures of Miss Stew :)