Friday, March 26, 2010

I don't really want to write about this, but I think it is good for me to get it off my chest.
I had an ultrasound on Tuesday to check on the fibroids and the placenta previ(which has not corrected itself). Stella looked amazing and and is now 3 lbs 6 oz, which puts her chubby butt in the 65th percentile for weight. It was our 4th ultrasound and Morgans 3rd time asking the technician if she was still a girl... she is :)Then, on Wednesday while running errands, I received a call from our doctor. She asked if Morgan was with me, he wasn't so she had me call back when we were together because she wanted to go over the results of the ultrasound and talk about how we were going to deal with the remainder of my pregnancy. I rushed home, called Morgan and he was home within the hour. In my mind, I thought she was going to put me on modified bed rest because of the previa, so that's what I was expecting.

I definitely wasn't expecting her to tell me what she did. Because the placenta is so low and because my fibroids are so low on the uterus they fear that I will bleed a lot during the c-section. They are afraid that the fibroids will keep the uterus from contracting and if the uterus doesn't contract, I could bleed profusely. If this happens, which she is saying there is a high chance this could happen, they will have to give me a blood transfusion and a hysterectomy. I cried.. a lot and I have been crying on and off ever since. I never thought I would be faced with anything like this. I am 29 and in good health. I am so excited for my baby girl to get here, but the thought of never giving her siblings makes me sick to my stomach. I'm scared and right now all I can do is pray that everything will go the way I want it to, but I will not know anything until she is being born.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Car!

I am proud to annouce that Morgan and I are the proud owners of a 2010 Mercedes-Benz C300 Sport. We bought it yesterday, but unfortunately we will not get it until the end of May. We bought it through my work so we got an insanely amazing deal on it! A deal so good that if we had passed it up we would have been idiots. It will be in Irvine on a project from now until then, but it will make it even more exciting when we actually get to drive it! It has the highest safety rating in it's class and safety is really important to us with Stella's arrival just around the corner. It will be nice to have a new car. I am sad to say goodbye to the Echo, but 10 years has been quite enough!